Harvest - Gate, Moisture and Test Screens
Gate Screen
If your system includes automatic gate control, the Gate screen should be configured.
NOTE: To avoid dangerous or undesirable behaviour, the Gate Mode must reflect your cart’s actual hydraulic equipment.
Mode 1 should be selected if your cart is equipped with a hydraulic reverser valve.
Mode 2 should be selected if your cart is equipped to let the device drive the gate-close hydraulics.
1. Enter your cart’s auger size (volume) in the specified units.
2. Enter the number of seconds that your cart’s auger door takes to close completely.
Moisture Screen
If your system includes a moisture sensor, the Moisture screen should be configured. Adjustments can be made to moisture and temperature measurements to calibrate the sensor. These can be entered directly in the "Moisture Adjust" and "Temperature Adjust" fields, or by entering the desired moisture or temperature value into the appropriate Target field, and the measured value into the Reading field, then tapping Calculate. In either case, the adjustment will be saved by tapping Save Settings.
Test Device
The Test Device shows helpful information about your system