Serial Link - Pairing / Un-pairing Serial link
Pairing is done directly through the Libra Harvest app and NOT through the general smartphone/tablet Bluetooth settings.
If you have already paired a grain cart to your app:
- Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device.
- Bring your mobile device to the Serial Link device and launch the Libra Harvest app.
- Select the Settings tab inside the app. For the tractor's mobile device, ensure Primary Display is selected.
- Tap the ⚙️ next to your grain cart.
- Select your Serial Link device from the Available devices list, and ensure that your Libra Cart device is already selected.
- Your device will now appear with a check mark, indicating successful pairing. Tap Done to complete pairing.
- The LED on the device will start to flash twice and a link icon will appear above the "Clear" button on the Display tab if you have an active connection.
If you have not paired a grain cart to your app:
- Ensure Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile device.
- Bring your mobile device to the Libra Cart and Serial Link devices and launch the Libra Harvest app.
- Select the Settings tab inside the app. For the tractor's mobile device, ensure Primary Display is selected.
- Tap Add Grain Cart to add your new Libra Cart device to the app, and wait for the scan to finish.
- Select your Libra Cart and Serial Link devices from the Available devices list.
- Provide a name for the cart, choose the desired weight display format (e.g., 10 lb, 20 lb), and tap Add+ to finish.
- Your device will now appear under "Grain Carts" with a check mark, indicating successful pairing.
- The LED on the Serial Link will start to flash twice and a link icon will appear above the "Clear" button on the Display tab if you have an active connection.
Disconnecting a paired Serial Link
- Navigate to the Settings tab
- Tap the ⚙️ next to your grain cart
- Under Selected Devices find your Serial Link device and swipe left to delete the connection.
- Tap done to confirm the disconnection.
Note: Your scoreboard will turn off when you close the Libra Harvest app or disconnect your Serial Link.